Saturday, 12 October 2013

12 steps to saner infosec

Actually, after kicking any references to $deity from the original list, there is about 6 points left.

1. Admit that you cannot be in full control of your systems and networks

There will always be NSA to break your elliptic curves, or a new zero day in a library inside a library that you forked, modified and then used in your code. And if you say "defence in depth", I'll ask you to show me your "perimeter".

2. Recognise that this is not a defeat

Attackers are people too, and are driven by economic motives. If it is too hard and not worth the effort, they will not go after you. Unless they want to make a point, of course.

Make breaking into your stuff not worth the effort. That is, ensure the required effort is hard enough that "the bad guys" will give up.

3. Examine, with the help of others, your past efforts to "secure", "risk manage", "protect" everything to the level of "best practice" 

"Best practice" is partly management speak for "I have no idea how to deal with specifics of my business environment" and partly vendor sales pitch. Risk management is good in theory but does not work in practice for infosec, beyond very basic qualitative judgements.

Talk to others, inside your business sector and outside it. Etsy, Facebook, Twitter, and even Salesforce are doing awesome things. Talk to me, I'll buy you a beer! :)

4. Make amends for these errors (or efforts)

Don't be a business prevention specialist. Be nice to your developers, they are generally smarter than you - learn from them. Listen to your network admins, they are often more protective of their hosts than you think.

5. Learn to live a new life

Give people what they need to do their jobs and get out of the way - figure out a "secure enough" method of doing what people need without disrupting their jobs. Set yourself specific time limited goals and don't fall into the trap of "best practices" again (see point 1)

Make your own informed decisions. You cannot outsource understanding to consultants, whitepapers and Google.

6. Help others who suffer from the same addiction to total control

Run an exploit or two for them... Teach them about the halting problem, just because it's fun to see people realising what it entails, at least in theory. Send them a few links:
And maybe!

PS A vaguely related preso I gave is at

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

What is Security Anonymous?

First of all, nothing to do with the evil Anonymous, and quite a bit to do with AA's "twelve step" program.

The awesome Spaf recently reminded everyone (excluding people who work for one of the few very awesome companies that actually have a grip on their infosec) that no-one on the "defence" side cares about security enough to seriously change the situation.

Step one in the yet-to-be-written 12 step program: admit that "defence" side is not doing well (be honest with yourself): 

Breaking things is thought to be sexier.

"User awareness" does not work.

Blinkenlights on products consoles don't give much reassurance other than psychological, or theatrical level.

Companies that thought they had security programs running well, find their source code dumped by the attackers on a random web server for unknown time.

Governments care mainly about how to break into their (or not) citizens' computers and backdooring crypto standards and implementations.

What's more, there is no "higher power" (see the original 12 steps) to appeal to. It's up to humble engineers who quietly do awesome stuff. I'll be posting about how others deal with their infosec challenges. No fluffy stuff, and probably no mention of "risk management," but you're welcome to convince me it works :)

What's even better, there will be drinkups! Because:

Rules–particularly the dogmatic variety–are most useful for those who aren’t confident enough to make their own damn decisions.
For the rest of us, there’s vodka–so we can cope with the decisions we were foolishly wise enough to make.
So help us, Grey Goose.